Thursday, August 30, 2007

Need for Mentors! - You can do this

We need help with the disabilities ministry this fall - something called "Friendship Class". This is for Sept 6 - Dec 6, on Thursday evenings. There is a dire need for more mentors. "Mentoring" is this context is sharing about Jesus in the most simple terms - not to group, but to maybe one or two other persons with special needs. It is about befriending these people, showing you care, extending love. It is something you can do.

The photo above is of Joe who came to Friendship Class to learn more about Jesus. Wayland has served as a mentor for people on Thursdays. Our involvement is with a local group at Chesterfield Presbyterian Church.

So far, Wayland Cheng, Eric Yeh, and I are involved this new Fall Season, but we need more.... or, I should say they need more. "They" are the people with disabilities who come on Thursdays. They need more mentors to actively show love and tell them about Jesus. Each disabled person has unique challenges and level of ability. Thus, ideally, this should be a one-on-one ministry, and that is the goal. Last year, however, we had some groups of 3-5 with only one mentor, and this significantly hurt the effectiveness of this ministry. This year is likely to be the same unless we get more mentors to volunteer. I am trying to express that "dire need" is a reality, and there is no "waiting list" of people wanting to volunteer. Please pray for this, and please consider to volunteer yourself.

May the Lord bless and lead in each heart. Please contact me if you have interest.

Pastor Mark

p.s. feel free to forward this letter to anyone else

Chesterfield Presbyterian Church
15037 Clayton Road
Chesterfield, MO 63017

September 6 thru December 6th - regular Thursday meetings (except Thanksgiving Day)
All Meetings 7pm - 8:30pm

by Pastor Mark

Meet My Friend Chris

The photo above is of Chris at the Friendship Class in August. I was a "mentor" for Chris last year, and became my friend. I praise God that Chris accepted Jesus as his Savior at one our sessions in the springtime. Please pray for Chris' growth in the Lord.